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How Can You Transfer Fssai-Food License In India

How can you transfer fssai

FSSAI stands for food standards and safety authority of India. It is an autonomous body responsible for food safety and promoting and protecting public health by appointing food safety authorities for implementation and supervision. Having a license is mandatory under law. To provide clean food to the masses, it is a necessity to pass legislation on hygiene and safety.


The FSSAI is established under food safety and standard act 2006. An individual/entity who wish to commence food business in India or sell food items to consumers need to mandatory obtain food license from FSSAI. It is a premier government body that underpins standards for the selling, packaging, or storage of food items in India. To ensure utmost food safety, the FSSAI has mandated every food business operator to secure an applicable food license. It is necessary even for those who cater to a few people from their homes. As long as you are making money out of it, you have to register under FSSAI.

In this article, we are going to discuss about how you can transfer your Food license,


  • The role of FSSAI is to set standard norms and standards with respect to food articles.
  • It also laid down guidelines for accreditation of certification bodies and laboratories.
  • It also promotes awareness about food safety and standards.
  • Collecting data related to contaminants in food articles
  • Identifying the potential risks in food sector or supply chain of food.
  • It is also responsible for providing training programs to the people who wish to initiate food business in India. 
  • Leveraging rapid alert system for speedy detection of problems with food items available to masses.


Food license is a 14 digit unique license number which is issued to all the manufactures, traders or outlets carrying on any food business in India. The authority has not allowed these entities to function without legal consent. It is vital for entities in the food sector regardless of their scope of operation and annual turnover to register with FSSAI.

There are three different classes of food license such as:

  • FSSAI basic registration- The business having annual turnover below Rs. 12 lakhs can apply for basic registration.
  • FSSAI State license- The business having annual turnover in inbetween Rs. 12 lakhs and 20 crore can apply for State level license.
  • FSSAI Central license- The business having annual turnover above Rs. 20 crore can apply for Central level license.


Despite being a legal compulsion the FSSAI basic registration renders dozens of benefits to the food business operators. The registering authority (RA) or any institution authorized for the purpose shall inspect the registered business place at least once a year. The common benefits of securing FSSAI registration include-

  • Instill trust among the target consumer
  • Ensure better customer retention.
  • Ensure business expansion and better earning.
  • A business operator might get more customers as now customers will purchase their food item more confidence.
  • Display FSSAI logo on your brand
  • Allow the business to thrive without legal hassles.


  • Address proof of location of business or restaurant.
  • E-mail id or phone number of the owner is required and compulsory.
  • Identity proof such as aadhar card, votar ID, driving license, ration card pan card of the owner.
  • Identity proof of a director or partner if business has a director or company.
  • List of proposed food articles and various types of kitchen equipment shall be submitted.
  • Partnership deed/certificate of incorporation(COI)/ Memorandum of Association(MOI)/Article of Association(AOA).
  •  Food safety management system (FSMS) plan.
  • List of raw material suppliers.
  • Proof of business place such as lease or rent agreement.
  • NOC from municipal cooperation or local bodies
  • To ensure hygiene and quality check, medical certificate of all employee and partners shall be submitted.
  • List of directors and partners shall be submitted.


 The food license can be transferred only in case of death of FSSAI license holder and such license shall be transferred to a legal representative or any family member of a decreased license holder upon request transfer of license transfer certificate to the authority in their behalf.

Steps are followed in transferring Food license-

  • Login to the online portal https://www.fssai.gov.in
  • From the drop down menu apply for duplicate/transfer/surrender of license.
  • Select ‘transfer’ option in action column against license number.
  • Fill up the necessary information like address of premises, contact info, Register office detail, detail of death of license holder, date of death of license holder, etc
  • The application of transfer of food license shall be processed by designated officers.


 Licensing process entails duplicate steps that seek a clear and mindful approach. Any error or mistake during licensing process could prevent the applicant from securing the license. The procedure of transfer of food license is not a cumbersome process and this online procedure saves a lot of time of the applicant and it is user friendly. FSSAI portal can be accessible 24*7 by the license holder or stakeholder by using login credentials. If you have any query regarding this contact to company suggestion.

CS Seema Bansal

CS Seema Bansal having experience of two years under CS firm and also having degree of B. Com and M. Com. Having expert knowledge of ROC related work and other company related compliances with MCA.

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